How do we use your data?

What information does Meep collect about me?

We gather basic information about you to create your personal account, like your name, address, gender, date of birth, email address and telephone number. When you purchase services through Meep, we may collect additional information like your location or transportation preferences. We also record information when you contact us, including customer service requests, usage incidents as well as details that help explain the incident or request. In addition, we use cookies and similar technology on our websites and mobile applications to collect information about interaction and usage. Please consult our Privacy Policy to learn more about this specific information we collect and your preferences related to this information.

Information collected from the website: newsletter and contact form

The fields marked with an asterisk in the WEBSITE newsletter and contact form are mandatory, so if the user does not provide the corresponding information, we will not be able to manage their petition.

The information provided by users must be veracious, precise, complete and updated, and the user is responsible for any harm or damage, either direct or indirect, they may come about as a result of not fulfilling said obligation. If the information provided belongs to a third party, the user must inform said third party as to the aspects contained in this document and obtain its authorisation to provide its information to Meep for the indicated purposes, exonerating Meep from any responsibility for not fulfilling said obligation.

Meep informs the users that the processing of data is carried from the facilities of the company Rocket Science Group, LLC (owner of Mailchimp and Mandrill) located in the United States.

By accepting this Privacy Policy Users expressly authorise Meep (FOSTERING MOBILITY, SLU) to process their personal data for the purposes described in this document including the international data transfer to the United States in which the level of protection of personal data does not reach the standards provided under the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, Organic Law 15/1999, dated 13 December (Law on the Protection of Personal Data).

Meep implements the technical and organizational measures that are appropriate to ensure the security of Users’ personal data including preventing the alteration, accidental loss or destruction and/or unauthorized or unlawful processing of these, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks that they are exposed to.

How does Meep use my information?

Meep uses your information to update the app and constantly improve the services we offer you. For example, we use information about you to create your account, offer our services in the mobile application and detect and prevent fraud or abuse. For more details, please consult our Privacy Policy.

Do we share your data with third parties?

We may share your information with the following: organizations within our corporate network, companies with whom we collaborate so that you are able to access their services through our platform and trusted third parties and service providers to the extent that it is strictly necessary. Examples of when we share data include processing payments, communication through surveys or emails and advertising tailored to your interests. We share only the minimum necessary information and we prohibit the third parties from using your information for any other purpose, as stated in our Privacy Policy.

How do I update my personal information?

We provide you with the tools to manage your account information and instructions for how to use them. Simply access your profile or contact us directly:

Review and update your profile information, such as name, email address, phone number and other personal data.
Contact us by email at

What else can I do with my personal information?

In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (or GDPR, its acronym in English), you can request by email at the following:

  • Request a copy of your personal data.

You can request a copy of your personal data in electronic format. We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, and provide you with a link from which you can download the information within 30 days from your request.

  • Request the closure of your account and elimination of your personal data.

You can also request to close your account. The following conditions will apply:

  • All outstanding services or debts must be resolved or cancelled before closing.
    All credits or coupons within the platform will be lost.
    All of your preferences or favorite places will be lost.
    You will no longer be able to login to your account after it has been closed.

When you close your account, you can request that your personal data be deleted. This can take up to 30 days. After the deletion, you can no longer access your account and your account information will be irretrievable.

Your preferences about the data we collect

We provide you with the tools to manage the information on your profile as well as your contact preferences to receive account and product-related messages and marketing communications.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, you can contact us by email at

  • You can also reach us by mail with any questions at the following address:
    Data Privacy Meep, Calle Serrano 112, 2º Dcha, 28006 Madrid, España

We will respond to all queries within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the request.

Protect your digital identity

The following are measures we put in place to protect your digital identity and data.

Secure channels of communication

To prevent others from accessing the information you provide to Meep, we encrypt the personal data entered in registration forms or applications, using up-to-date safety measures.

Account Verification

We require a unique username, email address, and a method of identification, a password, to log into your profile.

Security best practices

Our company is dedicated to ensuring best safety and data protection practices. The team therefore receives annual training and specialized counsel on the proper ways to act and behave with regard to security.

Approach to security across all levels

  • We protect our corporate network using different levels of security.
  • We use a combination of software and devices to protect our network from misuse or malicious attack.
    To ensure the safety of our employees and equipment, we use physical measures.
  • We have the assistance of a dedicated team of security professionals who oversee our security practices.
  • We have a third-party company that monitors our device and application security practices without bias.

How can you protect your data?

We will do everything we can to keep your information secure, but it is important that you use good security practices to protect your data as you have control over the security of your account.

Protect your password

To keep your password protected and private, we advise that you follow these instructions:

  • Never share your password
  • Use a password with letters, characters and numbers
  • Do not use the same passwords for every account.
  • Log out of your account when you use a device to which other people could have access.
  • We recommend that you change your password at least every six (6) months.